
September 10th, 2005… my wedding reception.  Instead of tossing my bouquet I opted for a generations dance, where all of the couples gathered on the floor to dance to a special song.  As the song played, the DJ announced couples who have been together for less than 1 year to kindly move to the side.  Then 5 years… 10… 20… and so on.  The couples who have been together the longest are still dancing, and all of sudden a large crowd gathers around the last few with awesome cheers & clapping.

My grandparents Granny & Grandpaw are the last ones dancing.

At that point, 59 years of marriage.  I couldn’t be happier than to give my bouquet to them that night.  God, I’m so happy to have this image capturing such a special moment of special people in my life.


Grandpaw is weighing so heavily on my heart.  He’s in the later stages of Alzheimer’s and has been rapidly declining in quality of life now for some time.  Our family has been on a wait list for an opening at a care facility for him, and the call came this week that one is finally available.  Tomorrow.

In many ways I feel like we’ve already lost him.  Alzheimers has robbed him of his warm & loving nature, his dignity, his history, his health, his ability to eat, sleep, talk… his connection to us, his family.  It’s robbed him of his connection to everything in this world… and the flip side is it has robbed us & the rest of the world of an incredibly amazing human being.  It’s so cruel to be able to physically still see him, but he’s not really there.

I miss my Grandpaw.  Our whole family misses this wonderful man.  And I can only imagine how much my grandmother misses her husband of over 65 years.  Sixty-six years this May.

There’s no medicine to bring him back to health and back to us, but thank God for photos to help me remember this exceptional man.

photo by Holland Photo Arts



  • February 9, 2012 - 3:31 pm

    Andrea Peck - What a beautiful memory! Alzheimers sucks!!ReplyCancel

  • February 9, 2012 - 5:30 pm

    Carla Blevins - So moving Heather, in so many ways. There are very few astounding men in this world, and your grandpaw has always been one of them.ReplyCancel

  • February 9, 2012 - 8:47 pm

    Rebecca - Thanks for sharing:) I lost a grandfather and a grandmother to Alzheimer’s. It is such a heartbreaking disease. I’m sorry your grandfather and you and your family are going through it. What a great photo to have…I’m sure looking at that smile will help heal your heart (just a tiny bit!)ReplyCancel

  • February 14, 2012 - 12:13 pm

    Laura Gordon - Thinking and praying for your girl! This is so sad and Alzheimer’s is such a terrible disease. This is so touching and very close to my heart. Such a gorgeous picture and I’m so happy you have that to remember him by. You can feel so much happiness and love in that photo! Love you girl! Stay strong!!!ReplyCancel

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